
The Common (Job) App for tech startups.

Hand delivering companies their business leader’s of the future.

Upskilling participants, giving them the tools and opportunities to succeed at startups.

What We Do

  • Decks and Patios icon

    For Companies

    Hire top tier, pre-vetted talent with signal from actual work effortlessly.

  • Green Building icon

    For Job Seekers

    Build skills while gaining exposure to leaders at startups, leading to job opportunities.

For Companies

Take the guesswork out of hiring.

Real Work Samples

Stop relying on low signal live conversations and work history. See real work product from prospective hires.

Minimal Effort

Practically nothing is expected from you - Clipboard Health will handle all administrative tasks for participating companies. All you need to do is be ready to hire excellent people at the end of the program.

Simulate Working Together

Provide feedback and see how prospective employees handle it and how much better their work gets.

Learn from Other Companies

See how other companies evaluate and land top talent, refining your evaluation techniques and hiring processes.

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For Job Seekers

Develop and show off your skills to top tech companies and startups.

Level the Playing Field

Don’t have a resume that shows what you’re capable of?
Show your work rather than tell potential employers what you can do.

Get Real Feedback

Produce work and receive feedback from real leaders within tech companies. Improve your own work product, helping you become more employable while building out your skillset.

Learn New Skills from Industry Leaders

Get in the (virtual) room with leaders from top tech startups. Learn how leaders break down and solve real world problems. Use fireside chats, Q&As, and other opportunities to peak into the minds of industry leaders.

Find Work You Love

Job offers will be handed out at the conclusion of the program - receive offers to start the next chapter of your career.

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