Frequently Asked Questions

For Companies

  • Hiring is hard. We’ve talked to leadership at companies across stages and consistently hear the same desire: ”if I could hire a few more excellent people my life would be a lot easier”.

    Hiring excellent people isn’t easy though - hiring is hard to get right, and it’s incredibly time consuming. Interviews don’t give a dispositive read on whether or not a candidate can actually do the work - we hear a lot of people say “hiring is an art”.

    Scouted turns hiring from art to science: you’ll be able to make hires with confidence because you’ll have actual work produced by candidates.

  • First and foremost: we think that the type of work that’s required during the program is thought provoking and engaging (here’s a sample case prompt).

    Scouted is kind of like the Common App for tech startups. Work during interview processes isn’t always welcome for a variety of reasons, but the most common complaint from applicants is “this is too much work for one application”. By turning a case study during an interview process from one case<>one company to one case<>many companies we’re confident that the work becomes more appealing to participants.

    Clipboard (the program’s administrator) has reason to believe that applicants are willing to do the work. In 2023, Clipboard received over 10,000 case studies for roles within the product team.

    Although it’s a proxy, we also see quite a bit of demand for bootcamps. Typically, participants pay for a bootcamp to gain skills with hopes of future employment opportunities. We’re not different in the sense that participants receive skills and hope to receive future employment opportunities, but they don’t pay anything.

  • See the schedule here!

  • All you need to do is be open to making offers to future employees who fit the program! Not all companies will be a fit for our program, so feel free to grab time directly with the program administrators here if you’d like to learn more.

  • There’s no cost or true time commitment (aside from evaluating work to potentially make an offer) for your company to join the program.

    We’d love to have you volunteer your time for the fireside chats and Q&As. If you volunteer your time (or someone in a management position from your company’s time), the fee associated with hiring candidates from the program will be waived (subject to change in the future).

    We ask that you read the work produced by the Talent in the program. Without reading the work we have a hard time thinking you’d be open to extending offers - the only real ask is that you give Builders real consideration for full time work.

    If the program is successful for your company and you end up making a hire we’ll charge you $5,000 after the Talent’s 90 days of service at your company (we’ll be waiving this fee for the first cohort).

  • Breaking into startups is difficult when you don’t know where to start. We’ve talked with hundreds of students at universities who want to break into startups but don’t know how. What we hear is that these students often fall into more “traditional” roles because it’s familiar and a well traversed path - we’re giving them an opportunity to break the pattern and to do what they actually want to do early in their careers (which we usually hear as “I want to make a difference rather than be a cog in the wheel”).

  • This is a “Product and Ops” program which will target early career professionals and students (both undergraduate and graduate) that want to break into non-engineering roles at startups.

    Universities will help disseminate information about the program to those who recently graduated or are going to graduate in the next ~4 months (we’re currently having conversations with several top universities). To supplement this, Clipboard Health will reach out to the 25,000+ applicants who applied but never completed a case study for roles within their product org.

  • Talent applies for admission. They’ll apply will go through a case study process run by Clipboard Health determining whether they’ll be admitted or rejected. The case response, a willingness to relocate, and the ideal start date will be the only factors which dictate admission into the program.

  • We’ll ask for their own work on a math problem. You can see an example of a case that we may use to screen candidates here (we’re happy to provide sample responses upon request as well) - we may use this case or a similar case.

  • Talent will jump into a 4 week long program - you can see the schedule here.

    The program will end with an “offer day” where participating companies deliver offers to students. All companies can submit offers to candidates on this day but they cannot prior to this date. We do not want to allow companies to front run the process and want participants and companies to end with the optimal outcome.

  • There’s no cost! Clipboard is putting this on out of their own pocket.

  • Touch base with the program administrator! You can book time directly with the team here.

For Talent (Participants / Job Seekers)

  • When asked for career advice from ambitious people we’d often say “join a startup or a tech company and you’ll get lots of exposure and grow really quickly, which will open a lot of doors for your future.” Tha

    That sounds easy, but in practice it’s tough to know where to start. We’re creating the starting point.

    Scouted gets you familiar with roles and expectations within startups while giving you the opportunity to show your skills to companies.

    Scouted helps you develop the skills to make breaking into startups a reality, and helps you market yourself at the same time.

  • As part of the program we’re expecting Talent to attend all sessions and participate in projects. In total, we’re expecting this to amount to the following:

    1. Week 1: ~3-4 hours of sessions, 2-3 hours of project based work, and an additional 2-3 hours of reading.

    2. Week 2: ~12 hours of project base work. 1-2 hour of sessions.

    3. Week 3: 6 hours of Project #2 version 2, ~2 hours of sessions. Potentially interviews as well.

    In addition to this, some Talent may choose to dedicate more time by reaching out to other participants within the program and leaders within the program to build relationships.

  • There’s a handful of things that are different about Scouted:

    1. It’s for companies, by companies. You’re not going through a middleman that thinks one thing while companies think another, you’re going straight to the source with this program.

    2. There’s no cost. Companies frequently pay for access in hiring - we’re cutting out the middleman and bringing you straight to their doorstep.

    3. You get to see behind the veil. You’ll receive direct exposure to industry leaders from participating companies to get a real understanding of what it’s like to work at a variety of companies.

  • We currently have a waitlist of companies that range from early stage (Series A, typically <30 employees) to larger companies (publicly traded technology companies with hundreds of employees).

    The common thread is technology, but you’ll get exposure to companies of multiple sizes across industries. For an illustrative example of companies that are participating you can check out YC’s Top 100 Companies for the larger companies and more recent YC batches for some of the smaller ones (that could be large ones in the future!). The program isn’t only for YC companies, but they’re a great example!

  • You’ll be invited to start our 3 week long program beginning on a to be determined date. If you have other obligations or those dates don’t work for you that’s not a problem, you’ll be able to join a future cohort of the program.

    For the full schedule see this page.

  • Nope! This isn’t a traditional accelerator program. Startups are the customer here and one of the startups involved is putting the program on out of their own pocket.

  • We want to make you as employable as possible. We’d love for you to walk away with job offers from companies within the program but that’s not the only value you’ll get from the program - you’ll learn how to become an excellent operator through the program.

    Participants in previous cohorts have mentioned that even without job offers they felt as if they were more employable and developed skills as part of the program.

    Scouted ends with an “offer day” where participating companies deliver offers to students. You’ll have a chance toward the end of the program to meet companies priori to receiving an offer(s).

    We’re hoping you walk away with a job!

  • We’ll run cohorts of the program. We’re kicking off our next cohort in Mid April, you can check it out here!

    If you can’t make this cohort you can defer your acceptance to a future cohort, but there’s no guarantee the same companies will be participating in future cohorts!

  • In addition to the skills developed in the program there will be three additional items to show for having completed the program:

    1. Your name added to he database of past participants, which future companies will also be able to access

    2. Your work product on the projects you completed (if publicly shareable), which can be leveraged as work samples on future job applications

    3. A LinkedIn Badge that you completed the program.

    In addition to these items we expect organic networks to develop which will enhance your future opportunities.

For Schools

  • We’ve talked to a lot of your students - we know that the traditional career paths aren’t always exciting.

    Our program gives them a new path - they can build some startup specific skills and walk away with a job at a startup / in tech!

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